Accounting History Special Interest Group (SIG2) News

Looking ahead: Twelfth Accounting History Symposium in Brisbane - Queensland

The Accounting History Special Interest Group (AHSIG – SIG2) is pleased to announce that the twelfth Accounting History Symposium will be held on Saturday, 6 July 2019, in Brisbane, Queensland, immediately preceding the 2019 AFAANZ Annual Conference. The Symposium will take place at the AFAANZ Conference venue in Brisbane. We look forward to seeing AHSIG members and welcoming non-members to this event.

Research proposals, papers in progress and working papers concerning studies of accounting’s past are welcome to be submitted. On the day, a panel of scholars will be in attendance, making presentations and/or providing feedback on the research and presentations of symposium participants. A call for working papers and research proposals will be communicated in March 2019, as well as details of the panel members. The final date for submission of papers and research proposals to the twelfth Accounting History Symposium is expected to be the beginning of May 2019.

We are confident that the 2019 Symposium will enjoy the same level of success as the past ten symposia.

Upcoming Conferences: The Tenth Accounting History International Conference and Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium.

The tenth Accounting History International Conference (10AHIC) on the theme “Accounting and Work in Historical Perspective” is scheduled to be held in Paris, France, during 3-5 September, 2019 and is being jointly hosted by Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) University Paris-Dauphine and Skema Business School. The Call for Papers can be viewed HERE

The Accounting History International Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium will be conducted during the first day of the 10AHIC, prior to registration and the opening sessions and welcome reception, enabling the participating emerging scholars to present their research proposals. Individuals who wish to express an interest in attending the AHIESC are requested to forward their research proposals, brief biographical details and a CV to Garry Carnegie no later than 31 May 2019 at the following address: Research proposals of no more than six pages (double spaced) should contain the following information:

1. Project (working) title;
2. Background to the study (or scenario for investigation);
3. Main research objective to be stated in a single, concise sentence;
4. Concise statement of key research question(s);
5. Research methodology;
6. Period selection;
7. Limitations of the study;
8. Expected (original) contribution of the study to the literature;
9. List of no more than 12 key references relating to the proposed study;

Call for papers: Accounting and Entertainment.
This is a special Issue of Accounting History, guest edited by Ingrid Jeacle. The deadline for paper submissions is 1 June 2019. The Call for Papers can be viewed HERE.
For further information, potential contributors can contact the guest editor via email:

Giulia Leoni
AHSIG Convenor